Studio 29A
Gül Delemen
Gül Delemen graduated from Bilkent University in 1991 and continued her studies at Tulane University, New Orleans. She started her art career in 2007 by making engravings at IMOGA - Istanbul Graphic Arts Museum. She graduated from Işık University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Visual Arts with high honors in 2012. She studied at the workshops of Beril Anılanmert in ceramics, Halil Akdeniz in painting and Meriç Hızal in sculpture. She completed her master's degree program at Işık University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Art Theory and Criticism with thesis in 2014: “The Gaze in Art in the Axis of Merleau-Ponty, Sartre and Lacan's Approaches”. Since 2007, she has participated in many domestic and international exhibitions. She lives in Istanbul and continues to work in her studio in Hisarüstü. She has many awards.

You can download the thesis via this link